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Geocaching.com is temporarily down

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#1 b7



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Publikováno 04 November 2009 - 21:01

tak uz treba opravuji notifikace a kraje :)
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#2 hplus



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Publikováno 04 November 2009 - 21:03

... narodni tragedie, vyvesme cerne vlajky. B)
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Davejte si pozor na ty, kteri maji zde na foru vic prispevku nez nalezenych kesi - jsou to geocacheri teoretici! :D

Delal jsem to pro prachy a pro body - ted uz mam obojiho dost! ;)
(Ale toho mrtvyho kotatka za kazdych 1000 bodu mi je lito a ne ze ne!)

#3 LeeHill


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Publikováno 04 November 2009 - 21:05

Ahoj, tak mi prisla notifikace kese 12km od HC v 17:54. Po tydnu prvni notifikace v Ostrave a okoli. Teren 5 :)
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#4 maaaca


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Publikováno 04 November 2009 - 22:11

Tusi nekdo k cemu je dobry Trackable Inventory a Trackable Collection co nam pribylo na http://www.geocaching.com/my/?
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#5 b7



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Publikováno 04 November 2009 - 22:14

zkusil jsem novou funkci: internal server error.. no jeste tomu asi necham cas. zmen jsem nasel vice.
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#6 sobikovi


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Publikováno 04 November 2009 - 22:36

Jsou tam nově Trackable Inventory | Trackable Collection | Benchmarks | Member Features | My Friends | My Account Details v hlavní nabídce...

V pravém panelu jsou nově:
View nearby benchmarks
View nearby waymarks

Greetings cachers. Here are the release notes for this month's code release. Please reply in this thread ONLY on topics related to the release. All unmentioned bugs or features should be discussed in a separate post. Thanks!


- Some postal codes are duplicated around the world, and the site was having difficulty determining your intent when searching for geocaches. We have added a feature which will prompt you to clarify which postal code you meant to search by when we find duplicates (or triplicates in some cases).

- The bookmark list edit bug has been fixed! Thank you for your patience on this one.

- Geocache attributes have been added to Pocket Queries

Geocaching.com: November 2009

12892: Attempting to access calendar of events leads to an error
HOTFIX: Fixed error when viewing the calendar of events from the home page

10529: There is no order to user created routes on the Caches Along a Route pages
Added sort by route name, distance, and description.

1728: GPX files: need attributes
Added geocache attributes to Pocket Queries

10518: Show dropdown list for GPS Devices
Added dropdown list of devices by manufacturer on GPS Devices detail page

12690: Offline PQ text
Added copy and renamed Offline Pocket Queries to Saved GPX Files

12691: Trackables: add label to dropdown
Labeled the trackable actions dropdown and reordered dropdown list so most frequently used actions are on top

12985: Cannot edit bookmarks, results in server error
Fixed server error preventing bookmark list edits

12930: Jeep TBs: Wrong image showing for Red and Green Jeeps
Fixed Jeep promo trackables to display the correct default images

12422: Website can't accept some email addresses
Fixed issue where the site would reject certain email addresses from non-US domains

12934: Improper validation occurring for email address format on membership pages
The field will now error when an address is entered with two @ symbols

12991: New brochures for the Resources Page
Added new geocaching brochure .PDF in several languages to /resources

13196: Adding or removing a GPS Device for account causes server error
Fixed server error caused by adding or removing a GPS device in My GPS

12819: Email addresses with extended characters (e.g. umlauts) cause error

12423: More log order issues - all cache finds in public profile out of order
Order of logs on "All cache finds" now displayed by date and time in descending order

12871: Standardize Mystery cache terminology
Replaced all instances of "Unknown" cache type with "Mystery/Puzzle"

6773: Add PQ name to title of page when viewing results in Google Maps
Added title

12027: Caches Along a Route (CAaR) fails to return disabled caches

6451: invalidated accounts should be told that their accounts are invalidated
Added a Validation Warning Message to all master pages so that it will appear on all pages (when a user logs in with an invalidated account).

8974: Change Breadcrumb Trail for benchmarks
Modified benchmark breadcrumbs to use PID

12782: Include day of the week on CITO and mega-event cache pages
Added the day to CITO and Mega-event pages

12776: Include metric distance in coordinate change log calculation
Added "distance from old" in meters

9278: My Reviews and My Friends' Devices: links not clickable

11580: Photos in the user gallery do not sort by date taken order
Now sorting gallery images by date specified by the user

13046: S Korea and Japanese provinces and prefectures
Added these regions to the country search

12557: Discover log behavior
Will no longer append the name of the cache in which a trackable was discovered, instead adding the trackable name (e.g. Nate discovered SomeTB)

13011: Cache attributes explanation page
Added a link from cache pages to a new explanation page for cache attribute icons

13001: update text and link at Inventory on cache_details.aspx
Changed "What is a Travel Bug" to "What is a Trackable"

12937: add INATN to the software page
Added link to itsnotaboutthenumbers.com

12823: correct name for PMOCs
Replaced "Subscriber-Only Caches" terminology with "Premium Member Only Caches"

13217: Change Serbia and Montenegro to just Serbia
Verified "Serbia" and "Montenegro" are unique selections in the country dropdown

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#7 HaLuMa


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Publikováno 04 November 2009 - 23:14

sobikovi napsal/a:
- Geocache attributes have been added to Pocket Queries

Ani jsem nedoufal, ze se tohohle nekdy vubec dockam. Tak snad se dockam, v dnesnich PQ to jeste nemam.
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#8 LaLu Team

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Publikováno 05 November 2009 - 0:06

sobikovi napsal/a:
Jsou tam nově Trackable Inventory | Trackable Collection | Benchmarks | Member Features | My Friends | My Account Details v hlavní nabídce...

Ty nové položky zase odstranili nebo jsou tam jen pro PM?
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#9 geba & marcana

geba & marcana


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Publikováno 05 November 2009 - 0:08

Ty nové položky zase odstranili nebo jsou tam jen pro PM?

Nejsou ani u PM.
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#10 Trhac


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Publikováno 05 November 2009 - 0:09

Byly tam pěkné nové odkazy, ale po nakliknutí to sypalo dost chybových hlášek… :|
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Věk je uveden kačerský, život před nálezem první keše neplatí…

#11 me2d09


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Publikováno 05 November 2009 - 7:26

HaLuMa napsal/a:
Tak snad se dockam, v dnesnich PQ to jeste nemam.

Tak já už tam atributy mám, konečně nějaký pokrok...
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#12 Bolek_CZ


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Publikováno 06 November 2009 - 17:59

hmm, tak ze mne se ted nedobrovolne stal basic member :o , pritom shodou okolnosti se mi prave dnes normalne pres PayPal strhli 3 dolary... A v profilu, kdyz si zvolim change membership, mi to pro PayPal nabidne jen rocni predplatne za 30 dolaru, bez automatickeho obnoveni... Ze by nejaka zmena? Nevadila by mi ani ta zmena na 30 dolaru za rok, ale proc mi teda dnes strhli (prijali platbu) ty 3 dolary ?
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#13 haggaeus


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Publikováno 07 November 2009 - 18:28

Stejny problem tu resil nedavno Kenik, vyreklamoval to uspesne: [LINK], zkus jim taky napsat.
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#14 Bolek_CZ


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Publikováno 07 November 2009 - 18:51

ja na to asi kaslu, potreboval jsem vygenerovat PQ, tak jsem v PayPalu zrusil to predplatny na 3dolary a zaplatil si rocni za 30. Napsal jsem jim sice mail s udaji o platbe a reklamaci vlastne dvoji platby za listopad, ale prisla mi odpoved, za kdyz se diva na muj profil, tak ze je vse OK, ze mam zaplaceno do 10/2010, coz je logicke, kdyz jsem si zaplatil vcera na rok. Ale dalsi mail s vysvetlenim se mi uz psat nechce, ty 3$ mi za to nestoji...
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#15 wendabr


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Publikováno 22 November 2009 - 21:41

Je GC.COM zase dole, nebo to nejde jenom u mě?
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#16 sobikovi


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Publikováno 22 November 2009 - 21:43

wendabr napsal/a:
Je GC.COM zase dole, nebo to nejde jenom u mě?

U nás na Žižkově jede :D
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#17 allfa


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Publikováno 22 November 2009 - 21:45

U nás též jede a celkom svižně.
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#18 urbanb


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Publikováno 22 November 2009 - 21:55

Tak u nás nejede asi 2 hodiny, není to jen v síti UPC?
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#19 wendabr


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Publikováno 22 November 2009 - 21:59

allfa napsal/a:
U nás též jede a celkom svižně.

Díky za test, u mě už nejde ani ping na něj, končím u poskytovatele....
Může to vyzkoušet někdo v Brně od UPC?
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#20 nechji



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Publikováno 22 November 2009 - 22:01

urbanb napsal/a:
Tak u nás nejede asi 2 hodiny, není to jen v síti UPC?

Už to tak vypadá, mám wi-fi od UPC a nic, na telefonu mi to běhá..
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