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#1 ubuster



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Publikováno 02 červen 2010 - 6:25

Geocaching.com will be going offline temporarily for a site update on Wednesday, June 2nd at approximately 1pm PDT (GMT -7). We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
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HW: Samsung Galaxy S3 Neo _ Garmin eTrex Legend HCx  _ Nokia N95 8GB _ PDA Mio P560 _ QStarz BT-Q818

SW: c:geo _ Locus Map Free _ WhereYouGo _ GCDroid _ GDAK

#2 mtauf


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Publikováno 02 červen 2010 - 7:02

Ach jo. To zase přestane fungovat GCzII :(
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#3 vetrnik_cr



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Publikováno 02 červen 2010 - 20:07

a taky Geoscout .... a asi i další aplikace.
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#4 sobikovi


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Publikováno 02 červen 2010 - 20:15

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#5 druzicka


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Publikováno 02 červen 2010 - 20:18

sobikovi napsal/a:
njn, je čas si zaplatit PM :D

To prece neni o PM platim ho uz tretim rokem a presto jsem pro neschopnost gs programatoru nuceny neustale pouzivat nejake obezlicky.
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#6 polerok



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Publikováno 02 červen 2010 - 20:25

sobikovi napsal/a:
njn, je čas si zaplatit PM :D

Co to ma co spolecneho s PM?!
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To, ze pisu bez diakritiky je zpusobeno anglickou klavesnici...


Podpis? A jak se mám jako podepsat, když tu nemám pero....

#7 sobikovi


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Publikováno 02 červen 2010 - 20:30

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#8 XiXi_team


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Publikováno 02 červen 2010 - 20:31

Toto jsem našel na GS foru ... Release Notes 6/2/10 This is a PREVIEW of the code release scheduled for this afternoon at approximately 1pm PDT (GMT -8). At this time the site has not been updated. Lost & Found The full Lost & Found companion site is live! Visit the site to watch videos (more added each week) and share your own geocaching story with the community. You can also nominate logs written by other geocachers by visiting the log on the cache page and clicking "Nominate this log as a Lost & Found story". Official Blog of Geocaching.com The new blog, Latitude 47, is now live and features regular content about geocaching and geocaching-related news. Check it out and be sure to vote in the weekly caption contest to win a barely-coveted geocaching prize! Trackables Collection Has the list of Trackables you are "holding" grown out of control? For those of you with a collection of geocoins or mileage-tracker bugs we have added a new virtual collection to your profile. More information can be found in the Trackables Collection knowledge book. Language Translations This one is exciting for us. For the first time we are able to offer site translation in 5 major languages; including German, French, Portuguese, Czech and Swedish. This is a work in progress, so not all text and navigation has been translated at this time, although many of the key areas of the site have been. We will continue this localization effort until all areas of the site have been translated in these languages, as well as add entirely new language options down the road. You can select a language preference in your profile and in the footer on every page of the site. Many thanks to the geocachers who contributed their time and knowledge to this effort! And now the release notes... New Features 15320: Forgot password tool for users Modified the way we deal with forgotten passwords - now sending an email containing a link which allows users to create a new password 10300: Automated username changes Now possible for users to change username without assistance one time 13764: Quick "like it" for geocaches Added Facebook "Like" functionality to cache pages 16562: Event Booth page to view caches near you Added basic search page to use at events showing caches near you and ability to email them to any address (http://www.geocaching.com/kiosk) 16593: Nav Button on Geocaching.com linking to Blog Added link to blog in left nav 13725: Mark trackables as collectible Added ability to virtually "collect" trackables 15925: Helpful Links Addition Added tb-rescue.com to the User Generated Tools list at /links 16678: Localize - Create a New Cache page Added translations for Deutsch, Français, Português, Čeština, Svenska - this is a work in progress 16673: Localize - Cache Details Page Added translations for Deutsch, Français, Português, Čeština, Svenska - this is a work in progress 16674: Create Language section in Account Preferences Added language options for Deutsch, Français, Português, Čeština, Svenska - this is a work in progress 16675: Localize - Log a Geocache page Added translations for Deutsch, Français, Português, Čeština, Svenska - this is a work in progress 16677: Localize - Hide and Seek a Cache page Added translations for Deutsch, Français, Português, Čeština, Svenska - this is a work in progress 17179: Localize Front Page Added translations for Deutsch, Français, Português, Čeština, Svenska (Welcome to Geocaching text only) - this is a work in progress 16676: Localize - Nearest Cache Page Added translations for Deutsch, Français, Português, Čeština, Svenska - this is a work in progress 15741: Resources page link addition Added bitdebris.com to Windows Application section of resources page 15717: Text added to new cache submission email Added additional helpful instructions and links to knowledge base to cache submission notification email 16085: Add current server time to Pocket Query list Now displaying current server time on PQ list and PQ downloads list to aid in scheduling delivery 11026: Using Icons Instead of Descriptive Text for Logs Now displaying Trackables type icon instead of text (Ex. Groundspeak Lackey Geocoin) in recent activity list on /track and Trackables log detail pages Bug Fixes 14619: Checking the "exclude finds and hides" box on Advanced Search with Postal Code does no exclusion Fixed 15973: Coordinates on Archived Cache Pages Can Be Edited By Cache Owner Archived cache coords may not be edited without the aid of a volunteer reviewer 16941: Cache Details Page Disclaimer Text change Clarified wording for disclaimer notification on cache pages 16713: Pocket Query consistently not available for download after generation Removed ability to delete My Finds PQ to insure it is always available 16369: 500 error for Change Device Fixed error rec'd when changing GPS device in profile 16444: Events With 10 Years! Icon Applied Do Not Appear In PQ Fixed 14685: Cache owner name with double dashes ("--") causes commenting out of cache details page Fixed 16035: The GPS images dont show up when trying to add a GPS device on IE Fixed 15661: User Notification Missing - Unpublished Inactive Cache Pages Updated red warning text displayed to user when cache is unpublished 15658: Converting field note to log doesn't preserve time zone Now converting from UTC to user local time for display on the log creation screen 17109: Text Change: Magellan Send to GPS update Added information to /fieldnotes.aspx and instructions to tab at uploadfieldnotes.aspx for Magellan GC 14565: Javascript error when accessing cache details page when not logged in or logged in as basic user Fixed javascript error in IE 16438: 10 Years cache type needs to be included in Local Geocaching Page 10 Years! cache types now show in results when searching for events 16878: Text change in English .txt stash note Changed "it's" to "its". Internet now .0000001% more better grammary 14307: Log origins need to show both Province or State and Country Changed trackable and cache logs to display both region and country (Ex. Northern Territory, Australia) 16919: Trackable item shows no options in "Type of Log" dropdown when logging Fixed error with certain trackables not showing log type options 11263: Allow armed forces addresses for membership creation Added option to select AA (Armed Forces Americas), AE (Armed Forces Europe) or AP (Armed Forces Pacific) as the state value 14478: Edit bookmark list with empty name won't throw exceptions Now properly displays an error 16549: Remove Twitter Credentials when they no longer function When Textmarks fails to send a tweet for a user due to a password change, the Twitter account is removed from the user's account. 16075: Trackable Item Reference Page Text Change Modified help text linking to FAQ on trackables detail pages 13329: Need to specify cache name not just waypoint in email that goes out with TBs Modified protocol for trackable notifications when a cache is archived. No longer posting a note to the trackable page although we are still notifying the owner via email 14661: Change login widget to "Your Profile" Fixed 15644: Calling trackables "collectibles" on the public profile Reverted back to "trackables" 13260: Bookmark Length Cookie not holding Selecting 50 > 100 > etc. bookmarks to display in a list now sticking 14648: Remove inaccurate text from cache page Removed text "Cache find counts are based on the last time the page generated" as the statement is no longer accurate 14645: No help text appears when hovering over attribute images on cache details page Added hover text to cache page attributes 14737: Attempts to upload image to new log on benchmark results in "Can't upload images to locked cache" error Fixed issue preventing image upload to certain benchmarks 16543: Geocoin Page - Add Manufacturer/Reseller Added frabert.de to distributors list on Shop Groundspeak 16894: Text changes needed at guidelines.aspx Clarified Earthcache guidelines by removing instructions to submit through the GSA website (submit as typical cache now) 13180: Modify cache archive notification for trackables Discontinued the posting of a note to the trackable page when a cache containing it is archived, sending email notification to trackable owner now instead 13046: Japanese prefecture missing Added Akita prefecture to Japan regional dropdown 15972: Trackable Item Search: Include Name for unactivated coins When searching for an unactivated Geocoin the series name is displayed (Ex. Volunteer Geocoin) 16926: Simma down disclaimer on cache pages Restyled disclaimer notice on cache pages to appear less urgent 8895: Bad link on trackable search with "unknown" TBs De-linked the world "unknown" in trackable search results since it was not linking anywhere 15388: Hover text for cache icons on search page Added hover text to icons on nearest.aspx 14494: Report a New Cache page - Show on Map button doesn't work Fixed 16248: HTML error on pocket query list "Run once and delete" PQ names no longer poorly displayed in PQ list 2537: TB activation problem using ampersand in title Fixed 1480: Error in Friends Page "caches hidden" count Removed hides/finds count from Friends page 15711: On EarthCaches, there is no Owner Maintenance log type available. Added Owner Maintenance log type to EC's 16257: Travelbug KML has bad attribute for Polyline Fixed 16352: Setting Trackable item to unknown posting a note instead of the correct log Marking a trackable as "missing" will now post the correct drop type log instead of a note 16457: Testimonials rotate too quickly on membership comparison page Halved the rotation speed of testimonials 17140: Shop Groundspeak: New Distributor Added jestyap.com to distributors list on Shop Groundspeak 16614: Shop Groundspeak: Update Distributor Link Updated URL to aboveandbeyond.co.uk in distributors list on Shop Groundspeak 16279: Karttapaikka.fi topographic maps link no longer works Modified URL construction on Finnish caches to display the correct map on karttapaikka.fi 16152: Hide My Finds and Caches checkboxes on maps do not have clickable labels fixed 17150: Shop Groundspeak: distributor update Updated name for dimaoutdoor.nl in distributors list on Shop Groundspeak 12065: Add checkmark to cache page if you have found it Checkmark icon now displayed next to "log this cache" link on caches you have found 17198: Shop Groundspeak: New Distributor Added cachingtime.com to distributors list on Shop Groundspeak 15977: Selecting Get Caches with an empty search returns you a 500 Error Fixed 500 error on local/default.aspx search page 14751: track/geocoin.aspx - Icon overlaps trackable name in details section fixed 16378: State and Country should be displayed the same everywhere All pages now show countries and states the same way when the function is called 16141: When clicking Automatically Refresh Map to off, don't trigger a refresh Only refreshing the map when toggling refresh ON 16144: Change Trackable type to "it" on log pages Trackables detail page more readable when referring to "it" instead of the trackable name 16114: "Log a benchmark" option should not appear for a Benchmark that is not listed. It results in an exception Removed "Log this Benchmark" to page when benchmark does not exist 16596: Category details page continues to cache with old data when category is edited Category edits now appear immediately upon saving 16331: Strikeouts for archived caches do not show when printing Print version of caches list (Ex. posted by user list) now displays red strikeout 16299: Geocaching.com homepage text change Increased estimate of total worldwide geocachers to "4-5 million" 16719: Instructions on "Hiding Your First Geocache" page incorrect Clarified instructions for finding the downloadable cache note 16665: Incorrect German in Downloadable Cache Note Updated misspeelings in German cache note 15414: Site E-mail preview incorrectly formatted Paragraph breaks no longer removed from post-email preview 16618: Shop Groundspeak: Add Distributor Added geobolt.hu to distributors list on Shop Groundspeak 14512: Remove instances of seperate in favor of separate For obvious reasons 16162: Shop Groundspeak: Update Distributor Entry Added cache-kontor.de to distributors list on Shop Groundspeak 17199: Update footer links in master pages Now consistently displaying footer links 14703: Switch order of terrain and difficult rating selection on Pocket Query form Now consistently displaying difficulty above terrain across the site 15941: Username causes cache page navigation to disappear in FF 3.6.2 Usernames with double dashes no longer break nav 14486: PQ country list has invalid country Removed "unknown" from country list 8969: how to add pictures to own User Gallery. Included instructions and link on profile gallery tab for adding a photo to a cache log 9271: Pocket Query results viewable in Google Maps Added "Map It" link to PQ preview results
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Garmin Oregon 650 + Topo Czech 2013 Pro & GSAK v8 & Android Locus PRO
GSAK - Google mapy pro Colorado/Oregon, Export pro GeoKuk
Android - Šifrovací pomůcky, Keškoměrka

#9 polerok



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Publikováno 02 červen 2010 - 20:56

sobikovi napsal/a:
Pokud ty aplikace používají standardní prostředky, tj. PQ nebo jednotlivé loc či gpx soubory, tak to na ně nemůže mít vliv.

A jak prosim Te pomoci PQ zalogujes cache/TB(GC) v terenu?
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To, ze pisu bez diakritiky je zpusobeno anglickou klavesnici...


Podpis? A jak se mám jako podepsat, když tu nemám pero....

#10 sobikovi


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Publikováno 02 červen 2010 - 20:58

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#11 maaaca


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Publikováno 02 červen 2010 - 21:05

A je to tu! Sem fakt zvedavej, potom co jsem si precetl prispevek od xixi, co z toho bude :)
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#12 lukasekprochazka


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Publikováno 02 červen 2010 - 21:10

Ty jo, tak my budeme mít češtinu...no ne že bych se bez ní neobešel, ale konečně si nás taky někdo všimnul :D
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http://gcm.cz + Garmin Oregon 300 + Topo 2 Pro + Handy Geocaching

#13 hplus



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Publikováno 02 červen 2010 - 21:11

sobikovi napsal/a:
Zaloguji přes Field notes z Garmina nebo iPhone... standardní cesta nebo přes WAP z mobilu.

Kde se dava iPhone zdarma k PM? Ja to nikde nenasel.

A ted bez flamu - rekni nam, jaky standardni nastroje pro Windows Mobile GroundSpeak podporuje? (Jinak i GCz lze pouzivat s PQckama, ale jaksi to ztraci to kouzlo ziskani dat v terenu - navic jsem si nevsiml, ze natazeni listingu z PQ obsahuje obrazky.)

Pokud nemas co rict k tematu, tak se moderuj. A diky XiXimu za vycerpavajici info...
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Davejte si pozor na ty, kteri maji zde na foru vic prispevku nez nalezenych kesi - jsou to geocacheri teoretici! :D

Delal jsem to pro prachy a pro body - ted uz mam obojiho dost! ;)
(Ale toho mrtvyho kotatka za kazdych 1000 bodu mi je lito a ne ze ne!)

#14 Olivin


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Publikováno 02 červen 2010 - 21:14

mtauf napsal/a:
Ach jo. To zase přestane fungovat GCzII :(

Tak to mně vadí taky. Je to to nejlepší, co jsem zatím vyzkoušel. A že jsem jich vyzkoušel :)
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Garmin GPSMAP 60CSx, THL W100, c:geo, WhereYouGo

#15 sobikovi


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Publikováno 02 červen 2010 - 21:26

tak tedy moderováno, aby byl klid....
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#16 mitah


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Publikováno 02 červen 2010 - 21:38

lukasekprochazka napsal/a:
Ty jo, tak my budeme mít češtinu...

Já bych spíš uvítal podporu kompletní diakritiky v listingách a lozích, to mě štve neskutečně. :(
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-- Mitah Team --

#17 dr.vota


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Publikováno 02 červen 2010 - 21:53

mitah napsal/a:

lukasekprochazka napsal/a:
Ty jo, tak my budeme mít češtinu...

Já bych spíš uvítal podporu kompletní diakritiky v listingách a lozích, to mě štve neskutečně. :(

No právě, taky v tom seznamu nějak nevidím klíčové slovo unicode :@:@ ten překlad si klidně mohli nechat
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#18 lukasekprochazka


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Publikováno 02 červen 2010 - 22:02

Hm, tak už to jede a jsem z té češtiny tak zmatený, že nevím, kam kliknout :D. Takže zpět do EN :D
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http://gcm.cz + Garmin Oregon 300 + Topo 2 Pro + Handy Geocaching

#19 Etigo


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Publikováno 02 červen 2010 - 22:03

Ach jo, další pokud o vylešení a zase to spíše skončilo fiaskem. Tomu webu by dost silně prospěla ruka nějakého grafika, to sjednotit po grafické stránce, pořádně nakódovat a prostě to celé sladit, aby to vypadalo jako jeden kompaktní web a né slatanina několika stylů. Pak bych se přimlouval za pořádnou pdoporu diakritiky na webu, současný stav je celkem dost na hovno, zvláště, když si stáhnete krabičky přes PQ a pak luštíte z Oregona, co tam ten autor vůbec napsal. Začínám spíše mít pocit, že s každým dalším změnou jde ten web kvalitou o něco dolů. A to radši už nemluvě o nových funkcích, co by tam mohli být.
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#20 lukasekprochazka


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Publikováno 02 červen 2010 - 22:06

Jinak trackable collection jsem uvítal, co vy ?
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http://gcm.cz + Garmin Oregon 300 + Topo 2 Pro + Handy Geocaching

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