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Montana (WebUpdater) firmware 3.60

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1 odpovědí na toto téma

#1 Jarous1


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Publikováno 30 září 2011 - 23:58

Changes made from version 3.50 to 3.60: [GCD]

Added option to configure power button. See TrailTech (http://garmin.blogs....-for-speed.html) for more information.
Added shortcut option to toggle certain settings. See TrailTech for more information.
Added option to set off route recalculation from Setup > Routing.
Added page indicator to main menu.
Added scrollbars to lists.
Added option to avoid or allow unpaved roads in pedestrian routing.
Fixed shutdowns related to data field dashboards on the main menu.
Fixed issues with incorrect number of menu items on main menu pages.
Fixed display of long geocache descriptions and logs.
Fixed geocache ratings overlapping descriptions.
Fixed issue where street search would incorrectly display No Results.
Fixed issue where compass would not work after the unit was removed from an automotive mount.
Fixed issue where the route distance could be incorrect.
Fixed issue where calendar left and right buttons were not always responsive.

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#2 Orxion



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Publikováno 02 říjen 2011 - 17:20

Added scrollbars to lists - hm v čem je rozdíl? B) vidět byl i předtím, ale chytit se nedá ... :(
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Vodopády list
potapěčské keše

Pozvánka na plánované eventy
.. něco bude :)

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