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Montana (WebUpdater) firmware 3.70

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1 odpovědí na toto téma

#1 Jarous1


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Publikováno 23 prosinec 2011 - 23:40

Changes made from version 3.60 to 3.70: [GCD]

Added new configurable data field options: Alarm Timer (from alarm clock page), Automotive Turn (lane assist), Avg. Lap, Compass Heading, Current Lap, Date, Elevation Above Ground, GPS Elevation, GPS Heading, Grade (must be moving), Lap Distance, Laps, Last Lap, Location of Destination, None (blank field), Stopwatch Timer, Total Lap, Track Distance (reset when current track is cleared), Vertical Dist. to Dest, Vertical Dist. to Next. See TrailTech (http://garmin.blogs....ata-fields.html) for more information
Added data field categories
Added trip computer setup for additional configurability (this includes adding multiple trip computer pages)
Improved elevation data stored in track logs
Improved serial support
Improved Arabic keyboard
Improved display of configurable data fields in night mode
Fixed 3D View to rotate based on compass heading
Fixed issue where some auto-archived tracks would be named in English regardless of user language
Fixed issue with track log recording while using the stopwatch
Fixed issue that could cause some geocaches not to import
Fixed issue with entering the next stage of a geocache while the Routing Activity is set to Prompted
Fixed an issue that could occur while reviewing certain geocache descriptions
Fixed a potential hang on startup when importing large numbers of waypoints, tracks, routes, or geocaches
Fixed potential issue that could occur while reviewing certain photos
Fixed potential issue related to shortcuts and orientation change
Fixed potential issue related to setting custom background images
Fixed potential issue with entering a street number during an address search
Fixed issues with NMEA output using the AMPS Rugged Mount
Fixed issue with magnetic north offset when projecting a waypoint

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#2 Orxion



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Publikováno 24 prosinec 2011 - 10:02

tomu se říká dáreček B)
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.. něco bude :)

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