Publikováno 24 červen 2013 - 23:04
Added Trip Planner
Adds an easy way to plan multi-day trips
Round trip support
Can print a trip itinerary
Can add destinations along a route
Flying support (airport and flight number look-up)
Supports traveling between different time zones
Can add Adventures that you'd like to take as part of your trip
Routing Improvements
Added support for different route profiles for different legs of a route
Added RV and Truck routing profiles with special route options
Find Improvements
Added support for UK postal code search
Added support for Yelp search
Added support for named POI search (far away POIs should be found if it's an exact name match)
Added support for POI category search (you can type 'Hotels, Las Vegas, NV')
Added quick search (hover over the map to invoke it)
Added ability to display more search results
Fixed various find issues
Basestation Improvements
Added support for displaying BirdsEye while in Basestation mode
Added support for displaying and saving the track of the Basestation itself
Added support for displaying the most recent update time for Basestation contacts
Added support to have different folders and lists with the same name (as long as they have a different parent in the folder hierarchy)
Added support for changing the location of BaseCamp's database
Added Irish Transverse Mercator grid
Fixed an issue where roads from the base map were displaying along with roads from the detailed map
Fixed an issue where BaseCamp was not displaying properly localized map labels
Fixed issue with Garmap Southern Africa Topo & Rec 2012.3 NT not being displayed in BaseCamp
Fixed an issue with certain file names for Adventures and Garmin Cloud
Více info zde
Publikováno 26 červen 2013 - 19:07
Publikováno 28 červen 2013 - 14:22
Publikováno 01 červenec 2013 - 21:59
Added Icelandic keyboard
Added support for additional ActiveRouting cartography
Fixed missing menu button in the geocaching application when landscape controls are set to display on the right side of the screen
Fixed geocaches with a size of 'Not Chosen' not properly displaying on the map
Fixed minor graphical issue with certain geocaches when being displayed in a list
Více info zde
Publikováno 01 červenec 2013 - 23:01
Publikováno 07 červenec 2013 - 12:38
Ale stahovat se ti to nechce, co?mnik napsal/a:
JF : klobouk dolu odhodlani mas- jestli vydrzis tak bych od tebe moravu sosl
jen me stve ta zastaralost snimkovani zbezne jsem koukal a chodi to od 2004 do 2009 + neco 2011
nevom jak casto to google aktualizuje , ale pokud to udela tesne potom co to cely dokoncis - tak te asi nepotesi
Jo, Seznam má novější snímky. Ale to stahovat zatím neumím v potřebném formátu.
A kdyby to Google aktualizoval, tak na to zobu s výjimkou míst, kam pojedu. Sosat se to mnoha lidem nechce, Google mě asi zaškrtí.
Až mi přeteče 32GB SD karta, tak mě to přestane bavit.
Dalších pár kousků je hotovo:
Tile51: Czech tile for Garmin GPS 547/346 - levels 17,16,15,14,13
Tile52: Czech tile for Garmin GPS 548/345 - levels 17,16,15,14,13
Tile53: Czech tile for Garmin GPS 546/345 - levels 17,16,15,14,13
Tile54: Czech tile for Garmin GPS 546/346 - levels 17,16,15,14,13
Tile55: Czech tile for Garmin GPS 548/350 - levels 17,16,15,14,13
Publikováno 09 červenec 2013 - 23:03
Improved ability to clear unit settings on power up: now only requires menu key and enter key to be held when powering the unit on
Improved load times for geocache descriptions
Fixed issue with reviewing individual route points from the Route Planner application
Fixed issue with displaying tracks on the map after performing an area calculation
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P.S. Garmin to na svých stránkách má sice vedeno jako verzi 3.10, ale to je podle mne chyba, stáhnout se dá jen ta 3.00. V případě nějaké změny to tady samozřejmě opravím...
Publikováno 09 červenec 2013 - 23:09
Fixed issue with incorrect letter capitalization of certain map points
Fixed issue where wirelessly transmitting a geocache to another device would result in an error message when trying to view the received geocache in BaseCamp
Fixed potential issue with city searching
Více info zde
Publikováno 10 červenec 2013 - 7:15
Publikováno 10 červenec 2013 - 9:36
Publikováno 10 červenec 2013 - 10:39
GeoPuzzle plugin pre GeoGet
GC Watchlist Enhancer - skript pre Chrome a FF (Greasemonkey)
Bežky na Orave - prehľadný kalendár zimných prechodov na Orave
Publikováno 10 červenec 2013 - 11:48
Garmin eTrex 30 TOPO Pro 2015 + Tempe senzor + Premium Heart Rate monitor; Lenovo P70; Nikon D5100; geobike Kelly's Scarpe
Publikováno 10 červenec 2013 - 22:10

Publikováno 10 červenec 2013 - 23:45
Publikováno 11 červenec 2013 - 17:23
Publikováno 11 červenec 2013 - 17:31
Garmin eTrex 30 TOPO Pro 2015 + Tempe senzor + Premium Heart Rate monitor; Lenovo P70; Nikon D5100; geobike Kelly's Scarpe
Publikováno 11 červenec 2013 - 17:36

Publikováno 11 červenec 2013 - 18:00
Publikováno 11 červenec 2013 - 18:46
Garmin eTrex 30 TOPO Pro 2015 + Tempe senzor + Premium Heart Rate monitor; Lenovo P70; Nikon D5100; geobike Kelly's Scarpe
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