CwgList2 - sprava sbirky CWG
Publikováno 05 září 2012 - 13:20
MHD/PID vybranych mest CR jako POI (diskuse)
- OwnMaintenance - prehled udrzby vlastnich kesi - v1.1.3 (diskuse)
- Combine 2 - automatizace opakovanych cinnosti (diskuse, dávky)
- Spoiler - uložení spoilerů do GPS jako POI (diskuse)
- Stator - statistiky y GeoGetu (diskuse)
- Náhrada GJ legálními postupy
Publikováno 05 září 2012 - 13:45
gord napsal/a:
Metodou pokus-omyl treba ne, ale po precteni dokumentace ...
dokumentace GgsExpr, jestli spravne chapu, jo??
Publikováno 05 září 2012 - 14:11
MHD/PID vybranych mest CR jako POI (diskuse)
- OwnMaintenance - prehled udrzby vlastnich kesi - v1.1.3 (diskuse)
- Combine 2 - automatizace opakovanych cinnosti (diskuse, dávky)
- Spoiler - uložení spoilerů do GPS jako POI (diskuse)
- Stator - statistiky y GeoGetu (diskuse)
- Náhrada GJ legálními postupy
Publikováno 05 září 2012 - 14:22
Publikováno 03 říjen 2012 - 8:24
Publikováno 03 říjen 2012 - 8:57
dandu1 napsal/a:
Perfektní! Jen poznámka: Při vyhledávání CWG to bere pouze první písmeno. Šlo by pro vyhledání zadávat písmena postupně. Přeci jen někde je dlouhý seznam a rolovat je dost zdržující. Šlo by nastavit větší font v seznamu CWG. Při větším rozlišení monitoru jsou písmena hodně malá.
nene, pri vyhledavani se berou v uvahu i dalsi pismena...jen je potreba je napsat dostatecne rychle za sebou...
Publikováno 08 říjen 2012 - 20:06
již pěknou chvilku řeším problém s pluginem CwgList2. Pokud chci vložit nové CWG, které zatím není v katalogu, tak vždy při ukládání hodí chybovou hlášku viz přiložený obrázek.
Zkoušel jsem plugin i odinstalovat a znovu nainstalovat, změnit oprávnění složky, ale chyba se stále projevuje.
Nemáte k tomu nějaké řešení??
Díky za rady.
Kompletní chybová hláška
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exception log with detailed tech info. Generated on 10/8/2012 9:01:59 PM. You may send it to the application vendor, helping him to understand what had happened. Application title: # GeoGet - geoget Application file: C:\Program Files\GeoGet\geoget.exe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exception class: ESQLiteException Exception message: Error executing SQL statement. Error [19]: Abort due to contraint violation. "INSERT INTO MyCWG (NameUpAscii, Name, Id, Category, Version, DateFound, Cnt, CacheId, Img, GUID, CommentName, CommentCacheId, CommentDate, CommentImg, TabGroup, IsCacheFound) VALUES (:nameUp, :name, :id, :catN, :ver, :dat, :cnt, :cacheId, :img, :guid, :comName, :comId, :comDate, :comImg, :group, :isdat)": columns Category, Id, Version are not unique. Exception address: 0063A624 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Main thread ID = 6980 Exception thread ID = 6980 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exception stack Stack list, generated 10/8/2012 9:01:59 PM (0023961F){geoget.exe } [0063A61F] uPSRuntime.MyAllMethodsHandler2 (Line 11719, "uPSRuntime.pas" + 183) + $3 (00238F7A){geoget.exe } [00639F7A] uPSRuntime.MyAllMethodsHandler (Line 11432, "uPSRuntime.pas" + 6) + $0 (0008A3E4){geoget.exe } [0048B3E4] Controls.TControl.Click (Line 5229, "Controls.pas" + 9) + $8 (000596A6){geoget.exe } [0045A6A6] StdCtrls.TButton.Click + $1E (000DFC80){geoget.exe } [004E0C80] Buttons.TBitBtn.Click + $68 (000597A4){geoget.exe } [0045A7A4] StdCtrls.TButton.CNCommand + $C (00089EDF){geoget.exe } [0048AEDF] Controls.TControl.WndProc (Line 5146, "Controls.pas" + 83) + $6 (0008DF2B){geoget.exe } [0048EF2B] Controls.TWinControl.WndProc (Line 7304, "Controls.pas" + 111) + $6 (00059550){geoget.exe } [0045A550] StdCtrls.TButtonControl.WndProc + $6C (00089B6C){geoget.exe } [0048AB6C] Controls.TControl.Perform (Line 5021, "Controls.pas" + 5) + $C (0008E07B){geoget.exe } [0048F07B] Controls.DoControlMsg (Line 7353, "Controls.pas" + 6) + $11 (0008EA73){geoget.exe } [0048FA73] Controls.TWinControl.WMCommand (Line 7616, "Controls.pas" + 1) + $5 (00089EDF){geoget.exe } [0048AEDF] Controls.TControl.WndProc (Line 5146, "Controls.pas" + 83) + $6 (0008E027){geoget.exe } [0048F027] Controls.TWinControl.DefaultHandler (Line 7334, "Controls.pas" + 23) + $17 (00089EDF){geoget.exe } [0048AEDF] Controls.TControl.WndProc (Line 5146, "Controls.pas" + 83) + $6 (0008DF2B){geoget.exe } [0048EF2B] Controls.TWinControl.WndProc (Line 7304, "Controls.pas" + 111) + $6 (0008D654){geoget.exe } [0048E654] Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc (Line 7073, "Controls.pas" + 3) + $6 (00030A68){geoget.exe } [00431A68] Classes.StdWndProc + $14 (0008E027){geoget.exe } [0048F027] Controls.TWinControl.DefaultHandler (Line 7334, "Controls.pas" + 23) + $17 (0008A804){geoget.exe } [0048B804] Controls.TControl.WMLButtonUp (Line 5360, "Controls.pas" + 1) + $6 (00089EDF){geoget.exe } [0048AEDF] Controls.TControl.WndProc (Line 5146, "Controls.pas" + 83) + $6 (00250BBD){geoget.exe } [00651BBD] EwbMouseHook.TEWBMouseHook.LocalMouseProc (Line 203, "EWBMouseHook.pas" + 62) + $10 (0008D98F){geoget.exe } [0048E98F] Controls.TWinControl.IsControlMouseMsg (Line 7168, "Controls.pas" + 1) + $9 (0008DF2B){geoget.exe } [0048EF2B] Controls.TWinControl.WndProc (Line 7304, "Controls.pas" + 111) + $6 (00059550){geoget.exe } [0045A550] StdCtrls.TButtonControl.WndProc + $6C (0008D654){geoget.exe } [0048E654] Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc (Line 7073, "Controls.pas" + 3) + $6 (00030A68){geoget.exe } [00431A68] Classes.StdWndProc + $14 (0007FDA8){geoget.exe } [00480DA8] Forms.TApplication.ProcessMessage (Line 8117, "Forms.pas" + 23) + $1 (0007FDE2){geoget.exe } [00480DE2] Forms.TApplication.HandleMessage (Line 8136, "Forms.pas" + 1) + $4 (0007BF43){geoget.exe } [0047CF43] Forms.TCustomForm.ShowModal (Line 5822, "Forms.pas" + 29) + $5 (00003F31){geoget.exe } [00404F31] System.@AfterConstruction + $1D (00233FF0){geoget.exe } [00634FF0] uPSRuntime.RealCall_Register (Line 115, "x86.inc" + 16) + $0 (00234F72){geoget.exe } [00635F72] uPSRuntime.TPSExec.InnerfuseCall (Line 589, "x86.inc" + 84) + $6F (00003F31){geoget.exe } [00404F31] System.@AfterConstruction + $1D (00236783){geoget.exe } [00637783] uPSRuntime.ClassCallProcMethod (Line 10037, "uPSRuntime.pas" + 39) + $19 (0022F65B){geoget.exe } [0063065B] uPSRuntime.TPSExec.RunScript (Line 7812, "uPSRuntime.pas" + 283) + $16 (0022E37C){geoget.exe } [0062F37C] uPSRuntime.TPSExec.RunProc (Line 7156, "uPSRuntime.pas" + 43) + $3 (00003B30){geoget.exe } [00404B30] System.TObject.Create + $10 (002394D0){geoget.exe } [0063A4D0] uPSRuntime.MyAllMethodsHandler2 (Line 11677, "uPSRuntime.pas" + 141) + $D (00238F7A){geoget.exe } [00639F7A] uPSRuntime.MyAllMethodsHandler (Line 11432, "uPSRuntime.pas" + 6) + $0 (003A6937){geoget.exe } [007A7937] geoscript.TGeoScript.RunProcedure (Line 1486, "geoscript.pas" + 6) + $3 (003995E2){geoget.exe } [0079A5E2] pluginunit.TPluginRec.RunStop (Line 269, "pluginunit.pas" + 4) + $8 (003680F2){geoget.exe } [007690F2] MainUnit.TMainForm.CallScript (Line 3454, "MainUnit.pas" + 101) + $3 (0036BD0F){geoget.exe } [0076CD0F] MainUnit.TMainPlugins.CallPlugin (Line 4762, "MainUnit.pas" + 6) + $7 (000A3BAE){geoget.exe } [004A4BAE] AppEvnts.TMultiCaster.DoActionExecute + $42 (000A3BD2){geoget.exe } [004A4BD2] AppEvnts.TMultiCaster.DoActionExecute + $66 (00399C4B){geoget.exe } [0079AC4B] pluginunit.TCustomPlugins.DoPlugin (Line 406, "pluginunit.pas" + 7) + $6 (000303C7){geoget.exe } [004313C7] Classes.TBasicAction.Execute + $F (0009A2E1){geoget.exe } [0049B2E1] ActnList.TContainedAction.Execute + $31 (0009AFA8){geoget.exe } [0049BFA8] ActnList.TCustomAction.Execute + $50 (00030293){geoget.exe } [00431293] Classes.TBasicActionLink.Execute + $13 (00121913){geoget.exe } [00522913] ActnMan.TCustomActionControl.Click + $57 (00124FA5){geoget.exe } [00525FA5] ActnCtrls.TCustomButtonControl.Click + $11 (001253AA){geoget.exe } [005263AA] ActnCtrls.TCustomButtonControl.MouseUp + $136 (0008A7E8){geoget.exe } [0048B7E8] Controls.TControl.DoMouseUp (Line 5355, "Controls.pas" + 2) + $1D (0008A86A){geoget.exe } [0048B86A] Controls.TControl.WMLButtonUp (Line 5367, "Controls.pas" + 8) + $6 (0008DF2B){geoget.exe } [0048EF2B] Controls.TWinControl.WndProc (Line 7304, "Controls.pas" + 111) + $6 (00089EDF){geoget.exe } [0048AEDF] Controls.TControl.WndProc (Line 5146, "Controls.pas" + 83) + $6 (00250BA6){geoget.exe } [00651BA6] EwbMouseHook.TEWBMouseHook.LocalMouseProc (Line 201, "EWBMouseHook.pas" + 60) + $D (00250BBD){geoget.exe } [00651BBD] EwbMouseHook.TEWBMouseHook.LocalMouseProc (Line 203, "EWBMouseHook.pas" + 62) + $10 (0008DF2B){geoget.exe } [0048EF2B] Controls.TWinControl.WndProc (Line 7304, "Controls.pas" + 111) + $6 (00089B6C){geoget.exe } [0048AB6C] Controls.TControl.Perform (Line 5021, "Controls.pas" + 5) + $C (0008D74A){geoget.exe } [0048E74A] Controls.GetControlAtPos (Line 7095, "Controls.pas" + 4) + $73 (0008D812){geoget.exe } [0048E812] Controls.TWinControl.ControlAtPos (Line 7118, "Controls.pas" + 13) + $E (00089B6C){geoget.exe } [0048AB6C] Controls.TControl.Perform (Line 5021, "Controls.pas" + 5) + $C (0008DA1D){geoget.exe } [0048EA1D] Controls.TWinControl.IsControlMouseMsg (Line 7182, "Controls.pas" + 15) + $1F (0008DDE5){geoget.exe } [0048EDE5] Controls.TWinControl.WndProc (Line 7269, "Controls.pas" + 76) + $6 (0008D654){geoget.exe } [0048E654] Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc (Line 7073, "Controls.pas" + 3) + $6 (00030A68){geoget.exe } [00431A68] Classes.StdWndProc + $14 (001CEFBA){geoget.exe } [005CFFBA] VirtualTrees.TVirtualTreeHintWindow.IsHintMsg (Line 7799, "virtualtrees.pas" + 7) + $13 (0007FDA8){geoget.exe } [00480DA8] Forms.TApplication.ProcessMessage (Line 8117, "Forms.pas" + 23) + $1 (0007FDE2){geoget.exe } [00480DE2] Forms.TApplication.HandleMessage (Line 8136, "Forms.pas" + 1) + $4 (000800D7){geoget.exe } [004810D7] Forms.TApplication.Run (Line 8235, "Forms.pas" + 20) + $3 (003F2338){geoget.exe } [007F3338] geoget.geoget (Line 187, "" + 86) + $2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Call stack for main thread Stack list, generated 10/8/2012 9:01:59 PM (0001FC22){ntdll.dll } [77170C22] ZwGetContextThread + $12 (000C71CB){geoget.exe } [004C81CB] JclDebug.JclCreateThreadStackTrace + $53 (000C7230){geoget.exe } [004C8230] JclDebug.JclCreateThreadStackTraceFromID + $54 (000C9672){geoget.exe } [004CA672] ExceptDlgMail.TExceptionDialogMail.CreateReport (Line 360, "ExceptDlgMail.pas" + 18) + $A (000C93F9){geoget.exe } [004CA3F9] ExceptDlgMail.TExceptionDialogMail.CreateDetails (Line 307, "ExceptDlgMail.pas" + 4) + $3 (000CAF1F){geoget.exe } [004CBF1F] ExceptDlgMail.TExceptionDialogMail.UMCreateDetails (Line 728, "ExceptDlgMail.pas" + 2) + $6 (00089EDF){geoget.exe } [0048AEDF] Controls.TControl.WndProc (Line 5146, "Controls.pas" + 83) + $6 (0008DF2B){geoget.exe } [0048EF2B] Controls.TWinControl.WndProc (Line 7304, "Controls.pas" + 111) + $6 (0007772F){geoget.exe } [0047872F] Forms.TCustomForm.WndProc (Line 3512, "Forms.pas" + 136) + $5 (0008DF2B){geoget.exe } [0048EF2B] Controls.TWinControl.WndProc (Line 7304, "Controls.pas" + 111) + $6 (0007772F){geoget.exe } [0047872F] Forms.TCustomForm.WndProc (Line 3512, "Forms.pas" + 136) + $5 (0008D654){geoget.exe } [0048E654] Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc (Line 7073, "Controls.pas" + 3) + $6 (00030A68){geoget.exe } [00431A68] Classes.StdWndProc + $14 (0008522E){geoget.exe } [0048622E] Controls.FindControl (Line 2104, "Controls.pas" + 6) + $9 (0007FDA8){geoget.exe } [00480DA8] Forms.TApplication.ProcessMessage (Line 8117, "Forms.pas" + 23) + $1 (0007FDE2){geoget.exe } [00480DE2] Forms.TApplication.HandleMessage (Line 8136, "Forms.pas" + 1) + $4 (0007BF43){geoget.exe } [0047CF43] Forms.TCustomForm.ShowModal (Line 5822, "Forms.pas" + 29) + $5 (000CAE73){geoget.exe } [004CBE73] ExceptDlgMail.TExceptionDialogMail.ShowException (Line 716, "ExceptDlgMail.pas" + 28) + $7 (0023961F){geoget.exe } [0063A61F] uPSRuntime.MyAllMethodsHandler2 (Line 11719, "uPSRuntime.pas" + 183) + $3 (000CA4F9){geoget.exe } [004CB4F9] ExceptDlgMail.TExceptionDialogMail.ExceptionHandler (Line 528, "ExceptDlgMail.pas" + 11) + $6 (000A36F4){geoget.exe } [004A46F4] AppEvnts.TCustomApplicationEvents.DoException + $28 (000A3DAA){geoget.exe } [004A4DAA] AppEvnts.TMultiCaster.DoException + $5E (000801FD){geoget.exe } [004811FD] Forms.TApplication.HandleException (Line 8268, "Forms.pas" + 6) + $F (0008D68F){geoget.exe } [0048E68F] Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc (Line 7079, "Controls.pas" + 9) + $A (0023961F){geoget.exe } [0063A61F] uPSRuntime.MyAllMethodsHandler2 (Line 11719, "uPSRuntime.pas" + 183) + $3 (000C1B73){geoget.exe } [004C2B73] JclHookExcept.DoExceptNotify + $F3 (000C1B8D){geoget.exe } [004C2B8D] JclHookExcept.DoExceptNotify + $10D (000C7F0E){geoget.exe } [004C8F0E] JclDebug.IsIgnoredException + $96 (0000FE76){geoget.exe } [00410E76] SysUtils.EncodeTime + $1E (00023286){geoget.exe } [00424286] Classes.TList.Remove + $6 (00022F80){geoget.exe } [00423F80] Classes.TList.Clear + $10 (00022F2B){geoget.exe } [00423F2B] Classes.TList.Destroy + $F (0000228C){geoget.exe } [0040328C] System.@FreeMem + $4 (00003B10){geoget.exe } [00404B10] System.TObject.FreeInstance + $C (00003F0E){geoget.exe } [00404F0E] System.@ClassDestroy + $2 (000C7391){geoget.exe } [004C8391] JclDebug.TJclStackInfoList.Destroy + $39 (00023934){geoget.exe } [00424934] Classes.TThreadList.UnlockList + $4 (000C6B34){geoget.exe } [004C7B34] JclDebug.TJclGlobalStackList.AddObject + $74 (000C70EA){geoget.exe } [004C80EA] JclDebug.JclCreateStackList + $2A (000C7094){geoget.exe } [004C8094] JclDebug.DoExceptionStackTrace + $60 (000C709D){geoget.exe } [004C809D] JclDebug.DoExceptionStackTrace + $69 (0023961F){geoget.exe } [0063A61F] uPSRuntime.MyAllMethodsHandler2 (Line 11719, "uPSRuntime.pas" + 183) + $3 (000C1B73){geoget.exe } [004C2B73] JclHookExcept.DoExceptNotify + $F3 (000C1B8D){geoget.exe } [004C2B8D] JclHookExcept.DoExceptNotify + $10D (000C1C04){geoget.exe } [004C2C04] JclHookExcept.HookedRaiseException + $58 (0023961F){geoget.exe } [0063A61F] uPSRuntime.MyAllMethodsHandler2 (Line 11719, "uPSRuntime.pas" + 183) + $3 (00238F7A){geoget.exe } [00639F7A] uPSRuntime.MyAllMethodsHandler (Line 11432, "uPSRuntime.pas" + 6) + $0 (0008A3E4){geoget.exe } [0048B3E4] Controls.TControl.Click (Line 5229, "Controls.pas" + 9) + $8 (000596A6){geoget.exe } [0045A6A6] StdCtrls.TButton.Click + $1E (000DFC80){geoget.exe } [004E0C80] Buttons.TBitBtn.Click + $68 (000597A4){geoget.exe } [0045A7A4] StdCtrls.TButton.CNCommand + $C (00089EDF){geoget.exe } [0048AEDF] Controls.TControl.WndProc (Line 5146, "Controls.pas" + 83) + $6 (0008DF2B){geoget.exe } [0048EF2B] Controls.TWinControl.WndProc (Line 7304, "Controls.pas" + 111) + $6 (00059550){geoget.exe } [0045A550] StdCtrls.TButtonControl.WndProc + $6C (00089B6C){geoget.exe } [0048AB6C] Controls.TControl.Perform (Line 5021, "Controls.pas" + 5) + $C (0008E07B){geoget.exe } [0048F07B] Controls.DoControlMsg (Line 7353, "Controls.pas" + 6) + $11 (0008EA73){geoget.exe } [0048FA73] Controls.TWinControl.WMCommand (Line 7616, "Controls.pas" + 1) + $5 (00089EDF){geoget.exe } [0048AEDF] Controls.TControl.WndProc (Line 5146, "Controls.pas" + 83) + $6 (0008E027){geoget.exe } [0048F027] Controls.TWinControl.DefaultHandler (Line 7334, "Controls.pas" + 23) + $17 (00089EDF){geoget.exe } [0048AEDF] Controls.TControl.WndProc (Line 5146, "Controls.pas" + 83) + $6 (0008DF2B){geoget.exe } [0048EF2B] Controls.TWinControl.WndProc (Line 7304, "Controls.pas" + 111) + $6 (0008D654){geoget.exe } [0048E654] Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc (Line 7073, "Controls.pas" + 3) + $6 (00030A68){geoget.exe } [00431A68] Classes.StdWndProc + $14 (0008E027){geoget.exe } [0048F027] Controls.TWinControl.DefaultHandler (Line 7334, "Controls.pas" + 23) + $17 (0008A804){geoget.exe } [0048B804] Controls.TControl.WMLButtonUp (Line 5360, "Controls.pas" + 1) + $6 (00089EDF){geoget.exe } [0048AEDF] Controls.TControl.WndProc (Line 5146, "Controls.pas" + 83) + $6 (00250BBD){geoget.exe } [00651BBD] EwbMouseHook.TEWBMouseHook.LocalMouseProc (Line 203, "EWBMouseHook.pas" + 62) + $10 (0008D98F){geoget.exe } [0048E98F] Controls.TWinControl.IsControlMouseMsg (Line 7168, "Controls.pas" + 1) + $9 (0008DF2B){geoget.exe } [0048EF2B] Controls.TWinControl.WndProc (Line 7304, "Controls.pas" + 111) + $6 (00059550){geoget.exe } [0045A550] StdCtrls.TButtonControl.WndProc + $6C (0008D654){geoget.exe } [0048E654] Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc (Line 7073, "Controls.pas" + 3) + $6 (00030A68){geoget.exe } [00431A68] Classes.StdWndProc + $14 (0007FDA8){geoget.exe } [00480DA8] Forms.TApplication.ProcessMessage (Line 8117, "Forms.pas" + 23) + $1 (0007FDE2){geoget.exe } [00480DE2] Forms.TApplication.HandleMessage (Line 8136, "Forms.pas" + 1) + $4 (0007BF43){geoget.exe } [0047CF43] Forms.TCustomForm.ShowModal (Line 5822, "Forms.pas" + 29) + $5 (00003F31){geoget.exe } [00404F31] System.@AfterConstruction + $1D (00233FF0){geoget.exe } [00634FF0] uPSRuntime.RealCall_Register (Line 115, "x86.inc" + 16) + $0 (00234F72){geoget.exe } [00635F72] uPSRuntime.TPSExec.InnerfuseCall (Line 589, "x86.inc" + 84) + $6F (00003F31){geoget.exe } [00404F31] System.@AfterConstruction + $1D (00236783){geoget.exe } [00637783] uPSRuntime.ClassCallProcMethod (Line 10037, "uPSRuntime.pas" + 39) + $19 (0022F65B){geoget.exe } [0063065B] uPSRuntime.TPSExec.RunScript (Line 7812, "uPSRuntime.pas" + 283) + $16 (0022E37C){geoget.exe } [0062F37C] uPSRuntime.TPSExec.RunProc (Line 7156, "uPSRuntime.pas" + 43) + $3 (00003B30){geoget.exe } [00404B30] System.TObject.Create + $10 (002394D0){geoget.exe } [0063A4D0] uPSRuntime.MyAllMethodsHandler2 (Line 11677, "uPSRuntime.pas" + 141) + $D (00238F7A){geoget.exe } [00639F7A] uPSRuntime.MyAllMethodsHandler (Line 11432, "uPSRuntime.pas" + 6) + $0 (003A6937){geoget.exe } [007A7937] geoscript.TGeoScript.RunProcedure (Line 1486, "geoscript.pas" + 6) + $3 (003995E2){geoget.exe } [0079A5E2] pluginunit.TPluginRec.RunStop (Line 269, "pluginunit.pas" + 4) + $8 (003680F2){geoget.exe } [007690F2] MainUnit.TMainForm.CallScript (Line 3454, "MainUnit.pas" + 101) + $3 (0036BD0F){geoget.exe } [0076CD0F] MainUnit.TMainPlugins.CallPlugin (Line 4762, "MainUnit.pas" + 6) + $7 (000A3BAE){geoget.exe } [004A4BAE] AppEvnts.TMultiCaster.DoActionExecute + $42 (000A3BD2){geoget.exe } [004A4BD2] AppEvnts.TMultiCaster.DoActionExecute + $66 (00399C4B){geoget.exe } [0079AC4B] pluginunit.TCustomPlugins.DoPlugin (Line 406, "pluginunit.pas" + 7) + $6 (000303C7){geoget.exe } [004313C7] Classes.TBasicAction.Execute + $F (0009A2E1){geoget.exe } [0049B2E1] ActnList.TContainedAction.Execute + $31 (0009AFA8){geoget.exe } [0049BFA8] ActnList.TCustomAction.Execute + $50 (00030293){geoget.exe } [00431293] Classes.TBasicActionLink.Execute + $13 (00121913){geoget.exe } [00522913] ActnMan.TCustomActionControl.Click + $57 (00124FA5){geoget.exe } [00525FA5] ActnCtrls.TCustomButtonControl.Click + $11 (001253AA){geoget.exe } [005263AA] ActnCtrls.TCustomButtonControl.MouseUp + $136 (0008A7E8){geoget.exe } [0048B7E8] Controls.TControl.DoMouseUp (Line 5355, "Controls.pas" + 2) + $1D (0008A86A){geoget.exe } [0048B86A] Controls.TControl.WMLButtonUp (Line 5367, "Controls.pas" + 8) + $6 (0008DF2B){geoget.exe } [0048EF2B] Controls.TWinControl.WndProc (Line 7304, "Controls.pas" + 111) + $6 (00089EDF){geoget.exe } [0048AEDF] Controls.TControl.WndProc (Line 5146, "Controls.pas" + 83) + $6 (00250BA6){geoget.exe } [00651BA6] EwbMouseHook.TEWBMouseHook.LocalMouseProc (Line 201, "EWBMouseHook.pas" + 60) + $D (00250BBD){geoget.exe } [00651BBD] EwbMouseHook.TEWBMouseHook.LocalMouseProc (Line 203, "EWBMouseHook.pas" + 62) + $10 (0008DF2B){geoget.exe } [0048EF2B] Controls.TWinControl.WndProc (Line 7304, "Controls.pas" + 111) + $6 (00089B6C){geoget.exe } [0048AB6C] Controls.TControl.Perform (Line 5021, "Controls.pas" + 5) + $C (0008D74A){geoget.exe } [0048E74A] Controls.GetControlAtPos (Line 7095, "Controls.pas" + 4) + $73 (0008D812){geoget.exe } [0048E812] Controls.TWinControl.ControlAtPos (Line 7118, "Controls.pas" + 13) + $E (00089B6C){geoget.exe } [0048AB6C] Controls.TControl.Perform (Line 5021, "Controls.pas" + 5) + $C (0008DA1D){geoget.exe } [0048EA1D] Controls.TWinControl.IsControlMouseMsg (Line 7182, "Controls.pas" + 15) + $1F (0008DDE5){geoget.exe } [0048EDE5] Controls.TWinControl.WndProc (Line 7269, "Controls.pas" + 76) + $6 (0008D654){geoget.exe } [0048E654] Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc (Line 7073, "Controls.pas" + 3) + $6 (00030A68){geoget.exe } [00431A68] Classes.StdWndProc + $14 (001CEFBA){geoget.exe } [005CFFBA] VirtualTrees.TVirtualTreeHintWindow.IsHintMsg (Line 7799, "virtualtrees.pas" + 7) + $13 (0007FDA8){geoget.exe } [00480DA8] Forms.TApplication.ProcessMessage (Line 8117, "Forms.pas" + 23) + $1 (0007FDE2){geoget.exe } [00480DE2] Forms.TApplication.HandleMessage (Line 8136, "Forms.pas" + 1) + $4 (000800D7){geoget.exe } [004810D7] Forms.TApplication.Run (Line 8235, "Forms.pas" + 20) + $3 (003F2338){geoget.exe } [007F3338] geoget.geoget (Line 187, "" + 86) + $2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ System : Windows 7 Home Edition, Version: 6.1, Build: 1DB1, "Service Pack 1" Processor: Intel, Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-2310M CPU @ 2.10GHz, 2100 MHz MMX SSE SSE2 SSE3 SSSE3 SSE41 SSE42 64 bits DEP Memory: 4039; free 2153 Display : 1366x768 pixels, 32 bpp ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ List of loaded modules: [00030000] C:\windows\syswow64\Normaliz.dll <77120000> 6.1.7600.16385 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Unicode Normalization DLL [00390000] C:\Program Files\Lenovo\Bluetooth Software\SysWOW64\BtMmHook.dll <10000000> - Multimedia Keys Hook DLL [00400000] C:\Program Files\GeoGet\geoget.exe - GeoGet - Geocaching solution Unit versioning information: JCL\source\common JclResources.pas 3587 2011-08-18 07:42:53 +0200 (jeu., 18 aoĂ»t 2011) JCL\source\common JclBase.pas 3594 2011-09-02 23:25:25 +0200 (ven., 02 sept. 2011) JCL\source\windows JclWin32.pas 3594 2011-09-02 23:25:25 +0200 (ven., 02 sept. 2011) JCL\source\common JclLogic.pas 3594 2011-09-02 23:25:25 +0200 (ven., 02 sept. 2011) JCL\source\common JclStringConversions.pas 3594 2011-09-02 23:25:25 +0200 (ven., 02 sept. 2011) JCL\source\common JclCharsets.pas 3594 2011-09-02 23:25:25 +0200 (ven., 02 sept. 2011) JCL\source\common Jcl8087.pas 3594 2011-09-02 23:25:25 +0200 (ven., 02 sept. 2011) JCL\source\common JclMath.pas 3594 2011-09-02 23:25:25 +0200 (ven., 02 sept. 2011) JCL\source\common JclStreams.pas 3594 2011-09-02 23:25:25 +0200 (ven., 02 sept. 2011) JCL\source\common JclAnsiStrings.pas 3594 2011-09-02 23:25:25 +0200 (ven., 02 sept. 2011) JCL\source\windows Snmp.pas 3594 2011-09-02 23:25:25 +0200 (ven., 02 sept. 2011) JCL\source\windows JclSecurity.pas 3594 2011-09-02 23:25:25 +0200 (ven., 02 sept. 2011) JCL\source\common JclDateTime.pas 3594 2011-09-02 23:25:25 +0200 (ven., 02 sept. 2011) JCL\source\common JclFileUtils.pas 3594 2011-09-02 23:25:25 +0200 (ven., 02 sept. 2011) JCL\source\windows JclShell.pas 3594 2011-09-02 23:25:25 +0200 (ven., 02 sept. 2011) JCL\source\common JclIniFiles.pas 3594 2011-09-02 23:25:25 +0200 (ven., 02 sept. 2011) JCL\source\common JclSysInfo.pas 3594 2011-09-02 23:25:25 +0200 (ven., 02 sept. 2011) JCL\source\common JclUnicode.pas 3594 2011-09-02 23:25:25 +0200 (ven., 02 sept. 2011) JCL\source\common JclWideStrings.pas 3594 2011-09-02 23:25:25 +0200 (ven., 02 sept. 2011) JCL\source\common JclStrings.pas 3594 2011-09-02 23:25:25 +0200 (ven., 02 sept. 2011) JCL\source\windows JclRegistry.pas 3594 2011-09-02 23:25:25 +0200 (ven., 02 sept. 2011) JCL\source\common JclSynch.pas 3594 2011-09-02 23:25:25 +0200 (ven., 02 sept. 2011) JCL\source\common JclUnitVersioning.pas 3594 2011-09-02 23:25:25 +0200 (ven., 02 sept. 2011) JCL\source\windows JclConsole.pas 3594 2011-09-02 23:25:25 +0200 (ven., 02 sept. 2011) JCL\source\common JclSysUtils.pas 3594 2011-09-02 23:25:25 +0200 (ven., 02 sept. 2011) JCL\source\windows JclMapi.pas 3594 2011-09-02 23:25:25 +0200 (ven., 02 sept. 2011) JCL\source\windows JclPeImage.pas 3594 2011-09-02 23:25:25 +0200 (ven., 02 sept. 2011) JCL\source\common JclUnitVersioningProviders.pas 3594 2011-09-02 23:25:25 +0200 (ven., 02 sept. 2011) JCL\source\windows JclTD32.pas 3594 2011-09-02 23:25:25 +0200 (ven., 02 sept. 2011) JCL\source\windows JclHookExcept.pas 3594 2011-09-02 23:25:25 +0200 (ven., 02 sept. 2011) JCL\source\windows JclDebug.pas 3594 2011-09-02 23:25:25 +0200 (ven., 02 sept. 2011) JCL\source\common JclRTTI.pas 3594 2011-09-02 23:25:25 +0200 (ven., 02 sept. 2011) JCL\source\common JclMime.pas 3594 2011-09-02 23:25:25 +0200 (ven., 02 sept. 2011) JCL\source\common JclSimpleXml.pas 2930 2009-08-09 19:06:40 +0200 (dim. 09 aoĂ»t 2009) JCL\source\windows JclMiscel.pas 3594 2011-09-02 23:25:25 +0200 (ven., 02 sept. 2011) [00A50000] C:\Program Files\GeoGet\ssleay32.dll <10000000> - 0.9.8d OpenSSL Shared Library [030D0000] C:\Program Files\GeoGet\libeay32.dll <10000000> - 0.9.8d OpenSSL Shared Library [10000000] C:\Program Files\GeoGet\FreeImage.dll - 3, 15, 3, 0 FreeImage library [16080000] C:\Program Files (x86)\Bonjour\mdnsNSP.dll - 1,0,3,1 Bonjour Namespace Provider [60900000] C:\Program Files\GeoGet\sqlite3.dll (no module version info) [676B0000] C:\windows\system32\DUI70.dll 6.1.7600.16385 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Windows DirectUI Engine [67770000] C:\windows\system32\DUser.dll 6.1.7600.16385 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Windows DirectUser Engine [6B310000] C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ieframe.dll 9.0.8112.16450 - 9.00.8112.16421 (WIN7_IE9_RTM.110308-0330) Internetový prohlížeč [6BE00000] C:\windows\system32\WindowsCodecs.dll 6.1.7601.17514 - 6.1.7601.17514 (win7sp1_rtm.101119-1850) Microsoft Windows Codecs Library [6DA20000] C:\windows\system32\SXS.DLL 6.1.7601.17514 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Fusion 2.5 [70D80000] C:\windows\system32\explorerframe.dll 6.1.7601.17514 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) ExplorerFrame [70FA0000] C:\windows\system32\winmm.dll 6.1.7601.17514 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) MCI API DLL [71000000] C:\windows\system32\msimg32.dll 6.1.7600.16385 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) GDIEXT Client DLL [71040000] C:\windows\system32\winspool.drv 6.1.7601.17514 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Windows Spooler Driver [71130000] C:\windows\system32\apphelp.dll 6.1.7601.17514 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Application Compatibility client library [712E0000] C:\windows\system32\ntmarta.dll 6.1.7600.16385 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Windows NT MARTA provider [71690000] C:\windows\system32\uxtheme.dll 6.1.7600.16385 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Microsoft UxTheme Library [71710000] C:\windows\system32\dwmapi.dll 6.1.7600.16385 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Microsoft Desktop Window Manager API [71740000] C:\windows\system32\mpr.dll 6.1.7600.16385 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Multiple Provider Router DLL [717B0000] C:\windows\system32\rsaenh.dll 6.1.7600.16385 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider [717F0000] C:\windows\system32\CRYPTSP.dll 6.1.7600.16385 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Cryptographic Service Provider API [71810000] C:\windows\system32\profapi.dll 6.1.7600.16385 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) User Profile Basic API [71840000] C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast5\snxhk.dll 7.0.1466.549 - 7.0.1466.549 avast! snxhk [719E0000] C:\windows\System32\fwpuclnt.dll 6.1.7601.17514 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) FWP/IPsec User-Mode API [71A20000] C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live\WLIDNSP.DLL 7.250.4225.0 - 7.250.4225.0 Microsoft® Windows Live ID Namespace Provider [71A50000] C:\windows\WinSxS\x86_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.7601.17514_none_41e6975e2bd6f2b2\comctl32.dll 6.10.7601.17514 - 6.10 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) User Experience Controls Library [71C00000] C:\windows\system32\rasadhlp.dll 6.1.7600.16385 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Remote Access AutoDial Helper [71E80000] C:\windows\system32\DNSAPI.dll 6.1.7601.17570 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) DNS Client API DLL [71F00000] C:\windows\System32\wship6.dll 6.1.7600.16385 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Winsock2 Helper DLL (TL/IPv6) [720A0000] C:\windows\System32\wshtcpip.dll 6.1.7600.16385 - 6.1.7601.17514 (win7sp1_rtm.101119-1850) Winsock2 Helper DLL (TL/IPv4) [720B0000] C:\windows\system32\mswsock.dll 6.1.7601.17514 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Poskytovatel služeb Microsoft Windows Sockets 2.0 [720F0000] C:\windows\system32\WINNSI.DLL 6.1.7600.16385 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Network Store Information RPC interface [72100000] C:\windows\system32\Iphlpapi.DLL 6.1.7601.17514 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) IP Helper API [72780000] C:\windows\system32\srvcli.dll 6.1.7601.17514 - 6.1.7601.17514 (win7sp1_rtm.101119-1850) Server Service Client DLL [72810000] C:\windows\system32\Secur32.dll 6.1.7601.17856 - 6.1.7601.17856 (win7sp1_gdr.120601-1505) Security Support Provider Interface [72950000] C:\windows\system32\ntshrui.dll 6.1.7601.17755 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Shell extensions for sharing [72A30000] C:\windows\system32\EhStorShell.dll 6.1.7600.16385 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Windows Enhanced Storage Shell Extension DLL [72AA0000] C:\windows\system32\slc.dll 6.1.7600.16385 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Software Licensing Client Dll [73330000] C:\windows\system32\oleacc.dll - (win7sp1_gdr.110826-1504) Active Accessibility Core Component [73DF0000] C:\windows\system32\olepro32.dll 6.1.7601.17514 - 6.1.7601.17514 [73E30000] C:\windows\system32\propsys.dll 7.0.7601.17514 - 7.00.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Microsoft Property System [74350000] C:\windows\system32\cscapi.dll 6.1.7601.17514 - 6.1.7601.17514 (win7sp1_rtm.101119-1850) Offline Files Win32 API [743E0000] C:\windows\syswow64\dbghelp.dll 6.1.7601.17514 - 6.1.7601.17514 (win7sp1_rtm.101119-1850) Windows Image Helper [744E0000] C:\windows\system32\version.dll 6.1.7600.16385 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Version Checking and File Installation Libraries [744F0000] C:\windows\system32\wsock32.dll 6.1.7600.16385 - 6.1.7601.17514 (win7sp1_rtm.101119-1850) Windows Socket 32-Bit DLL [74820000] C:\windows\syswow64\CRYPTBASE.dll 6.1.7600.16385 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Base cryptographic API DLL [74830000] C:\windows\syswow64\SspiCli.dll 6.1.7601.17856 - 6.1.7601.17856 (win7sp1_gdr.120601-1505) Security Support Provider Interface [74890000] C:\windows\syswow64\oleaut32.dll 6.1.7601.17676 - 6.1.7601.17676 [74920000] C:\windows\syswow64\WININET.dll 9.0.8112.16450 - 9.00.8112.16421 (WIN7_IE9_RTM.110308-0330) Internet Extensions for Win32 [74A40000] C:\windows\syswow64\GDI32.dll 6.1.7601.17514 - 6.1.7601.17514 (win7sp1_rtm.101119-1850) GDI Client DLL [74AD0000] C:\windows\SysWOW64\sechost.dll 6.1.7600.16385 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Host for SCM/SDDL/LSA Lookup APIs [74AF0000] C:\windows\syswow64\msvcrt.dll 7.0.7601.17744 - 7.0.7601.17744 (win7sp1_gdr.111215-1535) Windows NT CRT DLL [74BA0000] C:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll 6.1.7601.17651 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Windows NT BASE API Client DLL [74CB0000] C:\windows\syswow64\KERNELBASE.dll 6.1.7601.17651 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Windows NT BASE API Client DLL [74D60000] C:\windows\syswow64\LPK.dll 6.1.7600.16385 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Language Pack [74D70000] C:\windows\syswow64\DEVOBJ.dll 6.1.7601.17621 - 6.1.7601.17621 (win7sp1_gdr.110523-2108) Device Information Set DLL [74EB0000] C:\windows\syswow64\URLMON.DLL 9.0.8112.16450 - 9.00.8112.16421 (WIN7_IE9_RTM.110308-0330) OLE32 Extensions for Win32 [74FD0000] C:\windows\syswow64\SETUPAPI.dll 6.1.7601.17514 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Windows Setup API [75200000] C:\windows\syswow64\ADVAPI32.dll 6.1.7601.17514 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Advanced Windows 32 Base API [752A0000] C:\windows\syswow64\PSAPI.DLL 6.1.7600.16385 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Process Status Helper [752B0000] C:\windows\syswow64\comdlg32.dll 6.1.7601.17514 - 6.1.7601.17514 (win7sp1_rtm.101119-1850) Common Dialogs DLL [75330000] C:\windows\syswow64\WS2_32.dll 6.1.7601.17514 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Windows Socket 2.0 32-Bit DLL [75370000] C:\windows\syswow64\MSCTF.dll 6.1.7600.16385 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) MSCTF Server DLL [75440000] C:\windows\syswow64\CLBCatQ.DLL 2001.12.8530.16385 - 2001.12.8530.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) COM+ Configuration Catalog [754E0000] C:\windows\syswow64\RPCRT4.dll 6.1.7601.17514 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Remote Procedure Call Runtime [755D0000] C:\windows\syswow64\SHLWAPI.dll 6.1.7601.17514 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Shell Light-weight Utility Library [75630000] C:\windows\syswow64\NSI.dll 6.1.7600.16385 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) NSI User-mode interface DLL [75640000] C:\windows\syswow64\shell32.dll 6.1.7601.17859 - 6.1.7601.17514 (win7sp1_rtm.101119-1850) Windows Shell Common Dll [76290000] C:\windows\syswow64\CFGMGR32.dll 6.1.7601.17621 - 6.1.7601.17621 (win7sp1_gdr.110523-2108) Configuration Manager DLL [762C0000] C:\windows\syswow64\ole32.dll 6.1.7601.17514 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Microsoft OLE for Windows [76420000] C:\windows\syswow64\imagehlp.dll 6.1.7601.17787 - 6.1.7601.17787 (win7sp1_gdr.120229-1502) Windows NT Image Helper [76450000] C:\windows\syswow64\iertutil.dll 9.0.8112.16450 - 9.00.8112.16450 (WIN7_IE9_GDR.120823-2222) Run time utility for Internet Explorer [76640000] C:\windows\syswow64\USP10.dll 1.626.7601.17514 - 1.0626.7601.17514 (win7sp1_rtm.101119-1850) Uniscribe Unicode script processor [766E0000] C:\windows\syswow64\USER32.dll 6.1.7601.17514 - 6.1.7601.17514 (win7sp1_rtm.101119-1850) Multi-User Windows USER API Client DLL [767E0000] C:\windows\syswow64\WLDAP32.dll 6.1.7601.17514 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Win32 LDAP API DLL [76830000] C:\windows\syswow64\imm32.dll 6.1.7601.17514 - 6.1.7601.17514 (win7sp1_rtm.101119-1850) Multi-User Windows IMM32 API Client DLL [77150000] C:\windows\SysWOW64\ntdll.dll 6.1.7601.17725 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) NT Layer DLL [7C340000] C:\Program Files\GeoGet\MSVCR71.dll 7.10.3052.4 - 7.10.3052.4 Microsoft® C Runtime Library ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Active Controls hierarchy: TBitBtn "butFileSave" TTabSheet "TabCwg" TPageControl "TabButtons" TForm "Designer" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Publikováno 08 říjen 2012 - 21:18
MHD/PID vybranych mest CR jako POI (diskuse)
- OwnMaintenance - prehled udrzby vlastnich kesi - v1.1.3 (diskuse)
- Combine 2 - automatizace opakovanych cinnosti (diskuse, dávky)
- Spoiler - uložení spoilerů do GPS jako POI (diskuse)
- Stator - statistiky y GeoGetu (diskuse)
- Náhrada GJ legálními postupy
Publikováno 14 říjen 2012 - 21:58
Publikováno 15 říjen 2012 - 5:30
MHD/PID vybranych mest CR jako POI (diskuse)
- OwnMaintenance - prehled udrzby vlastnich kesi - v1.1.3 (diskuse)
- Combine 2 - automatizace opakovanych cinnosti (diskuse, dávky)
- Spoiler - uložení spoilerů do GPS jako POI (diskuse)
- Stator - statistiky y GeoGetu (diskuse)
- Náhrada GJ legálními postupy
Publikováno 15 říjen 2012 - 6:14

Publikováno 25 říjen 2012 - 14:58

Publikováno 25 říjen 2012 - 15:19
MHD/PID vybranych mest CR jako POI (diskuse)
- OwnMaintenance - prehled udrzby vlastnich kesi - v1.1.3 (diskuse)
- Combine 2 - automatizace opakovanych cinnosti (diskuse, dávky)
- Spoiler - uložení spoilerů do GPS jako POI (diskuse)
- Stator - statistiky y GeoGetu (diskuse)
- Náhrada GJ legálními postupy
Publikováno 25 říjen 2012 - 16:25

Publikováno 26 říjen 2012 - 7:42
MHD/PID vybranych mest CR jako POI (diskuse)
- OwnMaintenance - prehled udrzby vlastnich kesi - v1.1.3 (diskuse)
- Combine 2 - automatizace opakovanych cinnosti (diskuse, dávky)
- Spoiler - uložení spoilerů do GPS jako POI (diskuse)
- Stator - statistiky y GeoGetu (diskuse)
- Náhrada GJ legálními postupy
Publikováno 29 listopad 2012 - 1:13
Publikováno 29 listopad 2012 - 8:05
MHD/PID vybranych mest CR jako POI (diskuse)
- OwnMaintenance - prehled udrzby vlastnich kesi - v1.1.3 (diskuse)
- Combine 2 - automatizace opakovanych cinnosti (diskuse, dávky)
- Spoiler - uložení spoilerů do GPS jako POI (diskuse)
- Stator - statistiky y GeoGetu (diskuse)
- Náhrada GJ legálními postupy
Publikováno 29 listopad 2012 - 9:32
Publikováno 29 listopad 2012 - 10:40
MHD/PID vybranych mest CR jako POI (diskuse)
- OwnMaintenance - prehled udrzby vlastnich kesi - v1.1.3 (diskuse)
- Combine 2 - automatizace opakovanych cinnosti (diskuse, dávky)
- Spoiler - uložení spoilerů do GPS jako POI (diskuse)
- Stator - statistiky y GeoGetu (diskuse)
- Náhrada GJ legálními postupy
Publikováno 29 listopad 2012 - 10:54
1 uživatel(ů) prochází toto téma
0 uživatelů, 1 návštěvníků 0 anonymních uživatelů